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Information about tests

Total migration rapid tests, alternative simulants or substitute tests

Substitution for food simulants according to Regulation EU 10/2011: In screening for total migration, food simulants may be substituted if, based on scientific evidence, the substitute food simulants overestimate migration compared to the regulated food simulants. Rapid tests are carried out, for example, with the solvents isooctane (for testing non-polar materials such as polyolefins) or 95 % ethanol (for testing polar materials such as PET). Test conditions freely configurable according to DIN EN 1186/Directive 97/48/EC alternative simulants and rapid tests with e.g. isooctane, 95 % ethanol.

test method:Overall migration Sensory analysis
Norms: DIN EN 1186-1 (2002-07)
DIN EN 1186-3 (2022-10)
DIN EN 1186-13 (2002-12)
Needed sample size:10 x DIN A4 per simulant (please label the food-contact side) or 20 containers, packed in aluminium foil

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