+49 441 94986-0


Compliance status
The compliance status is a summary evaluation of the available information for food law assessment of the specified article and points out any open issues of compliance work.

SML (specific migration limit) analysis of individual substances for compliance assessment
Quantitative analysis of substances with limits (SML, SML(T), QM, QMA etc.) or non-evaluated substances by gas chromatography (e. g. HS-GC, GC/MS), liquid chromatography (e. g. HPLC/MS), mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) in food simulants or foodstuffs after migration or (residual) content determination in the material or article.

Damage analysis/examination of complaints
In many cases, it is not immediately obvious which kind of tests are necessary and reasonable for clarification. Furthermore, test results which are available in short time are often helpful for further decisions. Our “diagnostic concept” provides the agreement of a limited budget (normally 700,- up to 1.000,- Euro) for the screening and evaluation of information already available as well as the realisation and assessment of first tests according to an agreed schedule. The result is a more detailed view of the damage, possible solutions and indications for additional and reasonable investigations and researches are given. You will receive first reliable test results and an appropriate documentation of the current situation at short notice and at a fixed price. Information on the frequency of damage, time of detection, technical information such as material structure or test results already known are helpful for a successful processing as experience has shown. If available, please send us reference samples, data sheets, specifications.

Determination of thickness of plastic films, aluminium foils, plane multilayer-materials and sheets
Determination by mechanical scanning (accredited test method)

DSC/thermal analysis: melting and crystallisation behaviour
DSC run (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) for determination of crystal melting point Tpm and melting enthalpy delta H (further characteristics, e. g. crystallisation temperature Tc, depending on material, available on request) by means of two heating runs.

Method for quantification of the optical properties of transparent or translucent materials (not coulored opaque or metallized). The test method describes the hazing of a film caused by light scattering. A low haze value characterizes a low turbidity equivalent to a good visibility of details of filling goods or labels lying behind or under the film. By increasing the haze value, the "frosted glass effect" increases, i.e. details such as labels are ultimately only recognisable when in direct contact with the film surface. ASTM D 1003 = calibration without compensation port, DIN ISO 13468 = calibration with compensation port. The measured values differ slightly, but the measurements are basically carried out according to the same principle.

Water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) plastic films, laminates, coated papers and aluminium foils
Measurement is performed using the water vapor specific method (hydrolysis sensor or infrared sensor). Usually deviating from the standard as a double determination.

News & blog

26Feb2024 Zukunftsweisende und nachhaltige Flexpack-Lösungen

Zusammenfassung des 21. Inno-Meetings in Osnabrück. Veränderungen bei Verpackungsmaterialien und Methoden standen im Mittelpunkt des 21. Inno-Meetings. Es fand vom 21. bis 22. Februar 2024 in Osnabrück statt. Den TeilnehmerInnen bot die Fachtagung progressive Markttrends, Innovationen,...

31Jan2024 Prozessklebebänder für Convenience und mehr Recyclingfähigkeit

Franziska Kirpal von tesa im Interview In der neuesten Episode unseres Podcasts heißen wir Franziska Kirpal von tesa willkommen, um ihr fachliches Wissen und ihre Einblicke in den Bereich der flexiblen Verpackungen zu teilen. Zunächst werfen wir einen Blick auf ihre persönlichen Interessen, um...

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Tagung: Barriere-Verbundfolien
Dienstag, 01. / Mittwoch, 02. Juli 2025
Tagung: 8. Expertentreff Verpackungsdruck
Mittwoch, 26. / Donnerstag, 27. November 2025
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