Information about tests
Seal seam quality of PE- pouches or sacks (temperature range -40 to +120 °C)
You send us in pouches, sacks or sealings made of polyethylene film. We determine the seal strength quality in [%] relative to film strength, according GKV-test and evaluation clause Leaf III or DIN 55543-3 per seal (e.g. bottom seam) n = 10 individual measurements to lot size 5000 pieces, additional measurements for larger lots optional. The strength of unsealed flim is measured and set in relation to the strength of the seal tested under identical conditions.
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Examinations in this area
Abrasion test of printings acc. Dr. Ruf method
Air permeance (Gurley)
Anti-dew (anti-fog) test
Bending stiffness
Blocking test/blocking strength
Bond strength/peel force of laminates/multi-layer films/bondings (temperature range - 40 up to + 120 °C)
burst resistance (Mullen) paper
Characterisation of stretch hood and stretch wrapping films by hysteresis tensile test (only in stretching direction, e. g. generally in TD)
Cling adhesion of stretch wrap films, agricultural stretch films, catering films, cling films and other cling films
coefficient of friction COF
Compression test on cups, buckets and basins (temperature range - 40 up to + 120 °C)
Creep test
Curling or flatness
Curvature of films
Determination of thickness of plastic films, aluminium foils, plane multilayer-materials and sheets
Determination of weight
Dimensions and repeating patterns on pouches, bags etc.
Drop test of bags and pouches
Evaluation of flatness, curvature and wrinkling of plastic films - strip method
Fat permeability/fat density
Fat-repellent impregnation of paper, lipophobic properties, Kit test
FINAT peel adhesion
Gelboflextest/Brugger KFT
Grammage, yield
Impact resistance by free-falling dart method (Dart Drop), staircase method
Impact resistance by the free-falling dart method – Instrumented puncture test
Indentation hardness (Shore hardness)
Light fastness/ Wool (blue) scale - artificial irradiation by filtered xenon arc light
Linear dimensional changes/dimensional stability/temperature stability of films and sheets
Printing ink adhesion (Tesa test)
Printing inks and coatings/ lacquers- Fastness;Suitability tests, resistance, hot alkali resistance
Puncture resistance, quasi-statical (temperature range - 40 up to + 120 °C)
Roughness acc. Bendtsen
Seal resistance of printings or coatings (heat resitance)
Seal seam quality of PE- pouches or sacks (temperature range -40 to +120 °C)
Seal strength, tensile test on strips (temperature range -40 to +120 °C)
Sealing and welding properties of films, verification and comparison by laboratory sealing press
Sealing seam strength of peelable bags, sacks, sealed packages with package testing device for determining the opening forces
Sealing/welding properties of films/hot-tack test of films
Shear strength of glued seams (temperature range - 40 to +120° C)
Shrinkage of PE films (Betex tester)
Smoothness according to Bekk
Sterilisation/pasteurization in laboratory autoclave
Storage test in temperature-controlled room under standard atmospheres23°C/ 50 % r.h.
storage test/ accelerated aging in explosion protected heating chamber (controlled temperature)
Storage test/accelerated ageing in climate chamber (controlled temperature and relative humidity)
Storage test/accelerated ageing in lab drying oven or refrigerator (controlled temperature)
Surface resistance/resistivity
Tear resistance (also folded edges), (temperature range - 40 up to + 120 °C)
Tear resistance (Elmendorf)
Tensile test aluminium films
tensile test films and laminates (temperature range -40 to +120 °C)
Tensile test paper wet strength
Tensile test paper, sealing strength of paper samples
Tensile-impact strength
Unpacking barness of cups (hollow bodies)
Volume determination of carrier bags and pouches
Water absorption of paper/Cobb test
Weathering test - wet smear resistance of printed peat culture, substrate and humus packaging
Wetting tension (e. g. for determination of Corona treatment intensity)
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