+49 441 94986-0

Information about tests

Seal seam quality of PE- pouches or sacks (temperature range -40 to +120 °C)

You send us in pouches, sacks or sealings made of polyethylene film. We determine the seal strength quality in [%] relative to film strength, according GKV-test and evaluation clause Leaf III or DIN 55543-3 per seal (e.g. bottom seam) n = 10 individual measurements to lot size 5000 pieces, additional measurements for larger lots optional. The strength of unsealed flim is measured and set in relation to the strength of the seal tested under identical conditions.

test method:Mechanicall properties
Norms: DIN 55543-3 (06-2010)
DIN 55529 (2012-09)
GKV Blatt I- IV (2018-08)
DIN EN ISO 527-1 (2019-12)
DIN EN ISO 527-3 (2019-02)
Needed sample size:at least 15 packaging units

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Matthias Böhne +49 441 94986-11

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