List of all tests
Compliance work
Expert opinion
Material analysis
Analysis of gels/ inclusions
Norm: Inhouse method
Analysis of particles (microplastic, metal particles, minerally particles, glass, etc.)
Norm: Inhouse method
Ash content of plastic materials (polyolefins)
Norm: DIN EN ISO 3451-1
Beilstein test
Norm: Hausverfahren PV067
Bulk density of moulding compounds (apparent density)
Norm: DIN EN ISO 1183-1 (method A)
Coating quantity/weight of adhesives, lacquers, coatings, hotmelts, cold sealants
Norms: According FhG Leaflet 11 part 1, Finat FTM 12
Density of plastic materials
Norm: DIN EN ISO 1183-1 (method A)
DSC/thermal analysis: determination of glass transission temperature
Norm: ISO 11357-2
DSC/thermal analysis: melting and crystallisation behaviour
Norm: DIN EN ISO 11357-3
Film construction/material characterisation - Analysis package at a fixed price
Norm: DIN ISO 4593 / Hausverfahren PV049 / DIN EN ISO 11357-3 / DIN 55543-6 / DIN EN ISO 536 / DIN 51451 / DIN EN 546-3 / DIN EN ISO 3146
GC-MS- Screening (non-target analysis) semiquantitative
Norm: Inhouse method GC-FID-MS
Infrared (IR) spectroscopy
Norm: DIN 51451 / DIN EN 13206 / Hausverfahren PV061
Melt index (melt - mass flow rate) MFR (MFI)
Norm: DIN EN ISO 1133-1
Microscopic examination with light microscopy, photographic documentation included
Microtome section/ cross-sectional image
Norm: Hausverfahren PV049 / DIN EN ISO 3146
Moisture content/water content (residual moisture)
Norm: DIN 51777 / DIN EN ISO 15512
Oxidation stability (OIT) as oxidation induction time or oxidation induction temperature via DSC
Norm: ISO 11357-6
PET Flake Clumping Evaluation according APR PET-S-08 (Association of Plastic Recyclers)
Norm: APR PET-S-08
Proof of plastic
Norm: DIN 51451 / Hausverfahren PV061
Recycling incompatibilities - Investigation of material-specific recycling incompatibilities - Analysis packages at a fixed price
Slip agent content in polyolefines, erucamide (EA) and oleamide (OA), qualitative and quantitative
Norm: Inhouse method PV064
Solids content of printing inks, adhesives, lacquers (gravimetric)
Norm: DIN EN ISO 3251
TGA-analysis (thermo- gravimetry)
Norm: DIN EN ISO 11358-1
VA content determination in E/VA copolymers
Verification of a given material specification
Norm: DIN 51451 / Hausverfahren PV061
Mechanicall properties
Abrasion test of printings acc. Dr. Ruf method
Norm: Sun Chemical Hartmann PV 04
Air permeance (Gurley)
Norm: ISO 5636-5
Anti-dew (anti-fog) test
Bending stiffness
Norm: DIN 53121
Blocking test/blocking strength
Norm: DIN 53366
Bond strength/peel force of laminates/multi-layer films/bondings (temperature range - 40 up to + 120 °C)
Norm: DIN 55543-5 / DIN 53357 / DIN EN ISO 11339 / ASTM F 904
burst resistance (Mullen) paper
Norm: DIN EN ISO 2758
Characterisation of stretch hood and stretch wrapping films by hysteresis tensile test (only in stretching direction, e. g. generally in TD)
Norm: Hausverfahren PV040
Cling adhesion of stretch wrap films, agricultural stretch films, catering films, cling films and other cling films
coefficient of friction COF
Norms: DIN EN ISO 8295 (hist DIN 53375), ASTM D 1894, based on DIN EN ISO 8295 (180 g sledge, 25 mm*75 mm)
Compression test on cups, buckets and basins (temperature range - 40 up to + 120 °C)
Norm: based on DIN EN ISO 12048
Creep test
Norm: DIN EN 13206 / DIN EN ISO 899-1
Curling or flatness
Norm: DIN 55403
Curvature of films
Norm: Hausverfahren PV043
Determination of thickness of plastic films, aluminium foils, plane multilayer-materials and sheets
Norms: DIN ISO 4593, DIN EN 546-3, measured according to DIN ISO 4593 ▲
Determination of weight
Norm: Hausverfahren PV072
Dimensions and repeating patterns on pouches, bags etc.
Norm: GKV Blatt I- IV / DIN 55404 / DIN EN 13592 / Hausverfahren PV042 / (Fertigpackungsverordnung - FPackV)
Drop test of bags and pouches
Norm: DIN EN 13592
Evaluation of flatness, curvature and wrinkling of plastic films - strip method
Norm: ASTM D 1604 (zurückgezogen)
Fat permeability/fat density
Norm: DIN 53116
Fat-repellent impregnation of paper, lipophobic properties, Kit test
Norm: Tappi 559 cm
FINAT peel adhesion
Norms: FTM 1, FTM 2, FTM 3 (on request), FTM 5 (on request), FTM 6 (on request), FTM 9, FTM 10, FTM 11, FTM 12 (see coating weight), FTM 15 (see wetting tension) , FTM 23b (on request)
Gelboflextest/Brugger KFT
Norm: ASTM F 392 (on basis, if other number of cycles as condition A up to E is chosen)
Grammage, yield
Norm: DIN 55543-6 / DIN EN ISO 536 / DIN EN 546-3 / FhG Merkblatt 6 Teil 6
Impact resistance by free-falling dart method (Dart Drop), staircase method
Norm: DIN EN ISO 7765-1 / ASTM D 1709
Impact resistance by the free-falling dart method – Instrumented puncture test
Norm: DIN ISO 7765-2 / DIN 53373 (zurückgezogen) / FhG Merkblatt 6 Teil 2 Blatt 2 (zurückgezogen)
Indentation hardness (Shore hardness)
Norm: DIN EN ISO 868
Light fastness/ Wool (blue) scale - artificial irradiation by filtered xenon arc light
Norm: DIN EN 20105-A02 / DIN EN ISO 105-A05 / DIN EN 14932 (in Anlehnung) / DIN EN ISO 4892-3 / FINAT FTM 6 / DIN EN ISO 4892-1 / DIN EN ISO 4892-2 (in Anlehnung) / DIN ISO 12040 (in Anlehnung)
Linear dimensional changes/dimensional stability/temperature stability of films and sheets
Norm: DIN EN ISO 11501 / ASTM D 1204 / DIN 53377
Printing ink adhesion (Tesa test)
Norm: ASTM F 2252/ F 2252M:2013
Printing inks and coatings/ lacquers- Fastness;Suitability tests, resistance, hot alkali resistance
Norm: Sun Chemical Hartmann PV 16 / Sun Chemical Hartmann PV 03/03.1 / ISO 12632 / ISO 2836 / DIN 16524-5 / DIN EN ISO 105-A03
Puncture resistance, quasi-statical (temperature range - 40 up to + 120 °C)
Norms: ASTM F 1306 or DIN EN 14477, ASTM F 1306, DIN EN 14477
Roughness acc. Bendtsen
Norm: ISO 8791-2
Seal resistance of printings or coatings (heat resitance)
Norm: Sun Chemical Hartmann PV 20
Seal seam quality of PE- pouches or sacks (temperature range -40 to +120 °C)
Norm: GKV- leaf PE- Films and Products Bl. III/ DIN EN ISO 527-3
Seal strength, tensile test on strips (temperature range -40 to +120 °C)
Norms: DIN 55529, ASTM F 88, DIN EN 868 Teil 5 Anhang D (ASTM F 88)
Sealing and welding properties of films, verification and comparison by laboratory sealing press
Norm: DIN EN ISO 527-3 / DIN 55409-2 / DIN 55529 / DIN EN 868-5- D / ASTM F 88/ F 88M / GKV Blatt I- IV / DIN 55409-1 / DIN 55543-3
Sealing seam strength of peelable bags, sacks, sealed packages with package testing device for determining the opening forces
Norm: DIN 55409-2 / DIN 55409-1
Sealing/welding properties of films/hot-tack test of films
Norm: DIN 55571-2 A (similar ASTM F 1921)
Shear strength of glued seams (temperature range - 40 to +120° C)
Shrinkage of PE films (Betex tester)
Norm: Betex- method
Smoothness according to Bekk
Norm: DIN 53107
Sterilisation/pasteurization in laboratory autoclave
Storage test in temperature-controlled room under standard atmospheres23°C/ 50 % r.h.
Norm: DIN EN ISO 291
storage test/ accelerated aging in explosion protected heating chamber (controlled temperature)
Norm: ASTM F 1980
Storage test/accelerated ageing in climate chamber (controlled temperature and relative humidity)
Norm: ASTM D 3611 / ASTM F 1980
Storage test/accelerated ageing in lab drying oven or refrigerator (controlled temperature)
Norm: DIN 55531 / ASTM F 1980
Surface resistance/resistivity
Norm: DIN EN 62631-3-2 (VDE 0307-3-2) / TRGS 727
Tear resistance (also folded edges), (temperature range - 40 up to + 120 °C)
Norm: DIN EN 17679 / DIN EN ISO 6383-1 / DIN 53363 (zurückgezogen) / DIN ISO 34-1 / ASTM D 1938 / FhG Merkblatt 6 Teil 9
Tear resistance (Elmendorf)
Norm: ASTM D 1922 / DIN EN ISO 1974 / DIN EN ISO 6383-2
Tensile test aluminium films
Norm: DIN EN 546-2
tensile test films and laminates (temperature range -40 to +120 °C)
Norm: DIN EN ISO 527-1 / DIN EN ISO 527-3 / ASTM D 882 / DIN EN 29073-3 / DIN EN ISO 13934-1
Tensile test paper wet strength
Norm: DIN EN 868-4-C / DIN EN ISO 1924-2 / DIN ISO 3781
Tensile test paper, sealing strength of paper samples
Norm: DIN ISO 1924-3 / DIN EN 868-4-C / DIN EN ISO 1924-2 / DIN ISO 3781
Tensile-impact strength
Norm: DIN EN ISO 8256 (Anhang A)
Unpacking barness of cups (hollow bodies)
Volume determination of carrier bags and pouches
Norm: DIN EN 13590
Water absorption of paper/Cobb test
Norm: DIN EN ISO 535
Weathering test - wet smear resistance of printed peat culture, substrate and humus packaging
Norm: BTH- method, exposure to artificial light source on the basis of DIN EN ISO 4892-2
Wetting tension (e. g. for determination of Corona treatment intensity)
Norm: DIN ISO 8296
optical tests
Overall migration Sensory analysis
Colourlessness of dyed plastic materials
Norms: DIN EN 646, BfR-Method Part B II IX
Determination of the migration test temperature (SML and GM) for microwave applications
Norm: DIN EN 14233 (based on)
Microbiological examination
Norm: DIN 54378 (in Anlehnung)
Organoleptic analysis of packaging materials/Testing of odour transfer (intrinsic odour)
Norms: DIN 10955, DIN EN 1230-1, ISO 13302
Overall migration acc. Reg. (EU) No 10/2011 standard test conditions (OM 0 - OM 7)
Norms: DIN EN 1186-1, DIN EN 1186-2, DIN EN 1186-3, DIN EN 1186-13, DIN EN 14338,
sensory analysis of packaging materials/transition of sensory perceptible substances to test foodstuffs
Norms: DIN 10955, DIN EN 1230-2, ISO 13302
Total migration rapid tests, alternative simulants or substitute tests
Norms: DIN EN 1186-14 (substitute test) testiing conditions acc. IVLV leaflet no. 110/2013 or Directive 82/711/ECC), DIN EN 1186-14 (substitute test) testing conditions acc. draft „Technical guidelines for migration testing“, DIN EN 1186-15 (alternative test with higher test level))
Total migration special tests / Substitute test OM8 und OM9
Norms: DIN EN 1186-1, DIN EN 1186-2, DIN EN 1186-3, DIN EN 1186-13, DIN EN 14338
Carbondioxyde transmission (CO2 TR) rate of plastic films, laminates, coated papers, Alufoils, etc.
Norm: ISO 15105-1 / DIN 53380-2
Determination of (residual) oxygen and carbon dioxide content in ready-made packages
Norm: Hausverfahren PV063
Nitrogen transmission rate (N2 TR) of plastic films, laminates, coated papers, alufoils etc.
Norm: ISO 15105-1 / DIN 53380-2
Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of packages, pouches, moulded parts, bottles, etc. (only suitable for barrier materials, see also "i")
Norm: ISO 15105-2 (Anhang A) / DIN 53380-3 / ASTM F 1927 / ASTM D 3985
Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) of plastic films, laminates, coated papers, Alufoils, etc.
Norm: ISO 15105-2 (Anhang A) / DIN 53380-3 / ASTM F 1927 / ASTM D 3985
Permeation (air, helium, argon, others on request) of plastic films, laminates, coated papers, Alufoils
Norm: ISO 15105-1 / DIN 53380-2
Tightness, leakage test/pores/micro-holes/defects
Norms: inhouse method, DIN 55508-2, ASTM F 1929, DIN EN 546-4 method a, FhG Leaflet 29, IVLV Leaflet 102, DIN EN 13592
Water Vapour Transmission Rate (WVTR) of moulded parts, packages, pouches, bottles, etc. (only suitable for barrier materials, see also "i")
Norm: DIN EN ISO 15106-2 / ASTM F 1249 / DIN EN ISO 15106-3 / DIN EN ISO 12572
Water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) plastic films, laminates, coated papers and aluminium foils
Norm: DIN EN ISO 15106-2 / ASTM F 1249 / DIN EN ISO 15106-3
Water vapour transmission rate (WVTR), gravimetric test
Norm: DIN 53122-1 / DIN EN ISO 12572 / ASTM E 96
Water vapour transmission rate (WVTR)/ Sd- value (water vapour diffusion-equivalent air layer thickness)
Norm: DIN EN ISO 15106-3 / DIN 53122-1 / DIN EN 1931 / DIN EN ISO 12572
specific migration
10 ppb screening or NIAS screening (non-target analysis) semiquantitative
Norm: Hausverfahren PV055 / Hausverfahren (externer Anbieter)
Heavy metals / metals
Norms: Inhouse method, DIN EN 71-3, EDQM Publication Metals and alloys used in food contact materials (1st Edition - 2013), multi-methode based on DIN EN ISO 17294-2
Mineral oils MOSH, POSH and MOAH
Norm: SVI- guideline 2015.01 /BfR-method
Organotin compounds
Norm: Hausverfahren (externer Anbieter)
PAA -Primary Aromatic Amines, specific migration by HPLC-MS/MS, multimethod
Norm: In-house method (external provider)
Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl compounds (PFAS)
Norm: DIN EN 15408 (in Anlehnung) / Hausverfahren (externer Anbieter)
Norms: Inhouse method, IVLV leaflet 107/2011
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), content determination
Norm: Hausverfahren (externer Anbieter)
Primary aromatic amines photometric sum method
Norm: § 64 LFGB method L 00.006
Residual solvents determination
Norms: DIN EN 13628-2 (industrial method), inhouse method
Set-off test from printing inks and laquers according Regulation (EC) No. 2023/2006
Norm: IVLV technical bulletin no. 104/2010
SML (specific migration limit) analysis of individual substances for compliance assessment
Norms: DIN EN 13130-1 (migration), inhouse method, inhouse method PV056- annex A, inhouse method PV056- annex B
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