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Damage analysis/examination of complaints
In many cases, it is not immediately obvious which kind of tests are necessary and reasonable for clarification. Furthermore, test results which are available in short time are often helpful for further decisions.
Our “diagnostic concept” provides the agreement of a limited budget (normally 700,- up to 1.000,- Euro) for the screening and evaluation of information already available as well as the realisation and assessment of first tests according to an agreed schedule. The result is a more detailed view of the damage, possible solutions and indications for additional and reasonable investigations and researches are given. You will receive first reliable test results and an appropriate documentation of the current situation at short notice and at a fixed price.
Information on the frequency of damage, time of detection, technical information such as material structure or test results already known are helpful for a successful processing as experience has shown. If available, please send us reference samples, data sheets, specifications.
Klaus Behringer +49 441 94986-10 Klaus.Behringer@innoform.dePublicly appointed and sworn expert for plastic films and packaging as well as plastic food contact materials by the Oldenburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Download certificate of appointment)