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Supported standards

List of standards supported by Innoform

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Details of the selected standard

Standard type:DIN
Name:DIN 51451
Designation:Prüfung von Mineralölerzeugnissen und verwandten Produkten - Infrarotspektrometrische Analyse - Allgemeine Arbeitsgrundlagen

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Tests of this standard

Film construction/material characterisation - Analysis package at a fixed price
Qualitative characterisation of plastic films, laminates and plastic products concerning layer construction and basic materials, excepting adhesives, tie layers, inorganic coatings, e.g. metallisations. Methods: DSC screening (- 20 up to 300 °C/2 heating runs) of the material as received, microtome cut to determine and display visible layers and layer thicknesses, determination of the material class of the individual layers with FTIR spectroscopy; Beilstein test for presence of chlorine. Additional tests available by arrangement.

Infrared (IR) spectroscopy
Identification of materials, contaminations, additives, laquers, adhesives, adhesive-based anti sealing effect etc. with different techniques depending on sample and problem

Verification of a given material specification
Verification of typical material specifications. To check the material structure, a microtome cross-section is made and the thickness of any individual layers present is measured microscopically. The identity of the specified materials is verified by IR screening. Cleaning of filled samples will be charged additionally.

Proof of plastic
Detection of plastics in cardboard/paper samples by means of microtome cross-section and IR screening. If necessary, other methods are used to determine the plastic content. The cleaning of filled samples is charged additionally.

Analysis of particles (microplastic, metal particles, minerally particles, glass, etc.)
Analysis package for determining the material characteristics of particles, contaminations, deposits, abrasion of any type and origin, e.g. from filling goods such as foodstuffs, beverages, drinking water, cosmetics as well as from processing and packaging materials. Methods depending on the task and type of particles, e.g. light microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX), mass spectroscopy (GC-MS,TOF- SIMS).

Analysis of gels/ inclusions
Analysis package for determining the position, size and the character of material of gels and inclusions in films and other products made of plastics including photo documentation. Methods depending on the task, e. g. infrared microspectroscopy, microscopy, hot stage microscopy, microtome cross-section, thermal analysis DSC

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Contact person

Heike Schwertke +49 441 94986-14